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The Power of Positive Thinking

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough”


We all have things that we want in this life, personal goals, professional goals and goals for our children or families.  The question is, how badly do we want to achieve these goals?  I have found that the more I want something, the more determined I am to get it, and the more effort I exert.  Of course, a huge part of achieving our goals is tied to our ability to be positive about it.

Have you ever wanted something but all you have done is focus on being upset because other people are doing better, getting frustrated because you haven’t achieved it yet, or even self-sabotaging your efforts because it’s easier to explain away why you didn’t really try to achieve something than it is to put forth the real effort.  In our own lives it can be hard to look introspectively and see where we might be going wrong, but it is absolutely necessary.  I watch my kids, and I notice when they want to quit something what emotions it brings out in me.  I have an easier time talking to them about how falling down or facing obstacles is not the same as failing, it is just a great opportunity for us to become stronger and better.  It’s not as easy when I face those challenges myself…

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Over the past few years I have faced many challenges in my personal life and in my career, but the amazing thing about all those things is that it has taught me so much and made me a much more empathetic and stronger woman.  Even though I am not where I want to be (and to be honest I’m not sure I ever will be exactly where I want), but I do feel like my thoughts are focused in a much more positive direction.  I wouldn’t say I am to the point where I welcome a challenge by saying “bring it on” but I am definitely able to allow myself to be open to the fact that I can learn something, and I am excited about growth opportunities.


So, how do you remain positive when all around you is filled with challenges and chaos?


Here are some of the ways I have found work for me:

  1. I focus on what good I can see in every situation.  When challenges come my way I always look for the silver lining (what I learned, how I became better at, or even who could I help with this).
  2. Visualization has always been something I have liked to do – not to the point where I am envisioning a house that I want and I have already moved in, but rather I could see myself there, what steps do I need to take to make it happen?
  3. When work is chaotic or overwhelming, I like to think about the things I can control – I like to spend more time doing things that replenish my energy rather than drain it, like spending time with my family.
  4. Finally, I love myself.  No matter what is going on, I focus on loving myself.  When you feel positive about yourself (not just how you look but who you are), other things no longer carry any power.  All is well in your inner world, so the outer world mirrors that!


The mind is a powerful thing, why not use it to your advantage?


“We can rewire the patterns in our brain with the cognitive behavioral affirmations. It is not just the fluff, woo-woo stuff. Positive thoughts change the way our brain is wired. It really has biochemical, neuro-chemical affects on our brain.”  – Louise Hay



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