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Cobra Starship's "Night Shades"

Alternative pop punk group Cobra Starship have been on the music scene since the release of their debut album back in 2006, but they did not receive mass attention until the release of their third album Hot Mess in 2009 which debuted at number 4 on the Billboard Hot 100. Two years later, the band is back to promote their new project titled Night Shades, which was preceded by current top twenty hit, "You Make Me Feel...", and three other promotional tracks. The album is a departure from the group's signature sound, but it still deserves a listen and recognition.
The new album begins with the ballad-esque "You Belong to Me", a song that may shock some devoted fans. The track is sweet and slow, a nice love song, but the sound is something not heard from the band before. The vocals from lead singer, Gabe Saporta, are some of his best, but I do not know if the song will please or anger fans. I enjoy the band's new direction and this unique track. The first single from the effort, "You Make Me Feel..." feat. Sabi, shows the band dipping their feet into the world of dance pop, the new craze of the year. The song is nothing amazing, it contains a nice, club-ready beat and good vocals, but it seems awkward coming from this group. The track is modern and enjoyable, a great way to promote the album. My vote for the official second single would go to up-tempo, pop track, "#1Nite (One Night)". The song follows in the same footsteps of the lead single, but is done much better. The beat sounds like something off a Britney Spears album, but the group makes it their own with a very addictive and catchy chorus and a touch of their personality. On "Fool Like Me", the band travels back a few decades with the retro sounding track. The song is a cute and fun story dealing with a dysfunctional relationship, but I do not whether to take it seriously or not. The song is very different, but I feel it works for the band that is known for their humorous side. The featured guest also gives the track a little something extra. The album continues with "Anything for Love", a song that I am afraid to say disappointed more than any other track that they have put out. This was a direction I wanted the band to explore, but it just did not come out right. The lyrics are not memorable or great, the beat sounds out of place, nothing works here. I commend the effort, but that is about it. Released as the final promotional single, "Middle Finger" is a song that has a very vague meaning of empowerment and independence. The delivery of the lyrics is slow which is a nice departure from the intense pop sound of the rest of the album. The track works, but I must say I am not a fan of featured guest Mac Miller and could have done without his verses. Fans got a first taste of the new album when the group posted "Don't Blame the World, It's the DJ's Fault" on the web. The song starts off slow, but the tempo and bass get turned up once the chorus is heard. The track was a nice buzz track to get fans ready for the overall sound of the album, but the song does not have the same positive impact as it did a few months ago. "Fucked in Love" is a song that I commend because it actually sounds like it is created by a band, not a solo piece. The immature side of the group gets tossed to the side a little in order to let this great song come through the right way. The vocals are soft and the lyrics actually hold a meaning. The track eases back on the pop, party vibe of the rest of the album, and something real emerges. The cute, innocent vocals of keytar player Victoria Asher assist Saporta of "Disaster Boy", that tells the story of a girl standing by her man. The beat is very retro and you cannot help but fall in love with this track that would remind anyone of a past relationship. Certain aspects of the song seemed to be ripped from the past, but the band makes them very modern. The album closes with "Schwick", a track that seems to combine the sweet ballads and club-ready pop songs on the album together. The beat is loud and catchy enough to get people to rock their heads while the lyrics send a message of love really being a lie. I hear a disco influence, and I am torn between the song, do not know if it was the best way to end the album, but a good track nonetheless.
Night Shades shows the progression and reinvention of a band that not many may have known of a few years back. Cobra Starship has crafted an album that fits with the modern trends in the music industry today: catchy, club-thumping pop tracks. However, some creativity and originality seemed to be sacrificed when this album was being recorded. If this was the first album someone heard from the band then they will be pleased with the well-produced tracks, but devoted fans may be a bit disappointed at the content. For some great tracks, amazing vocal performances and songwriting, the album receives a decent 82%.

Tracks to Hear: "You Make Me Feel...", “#1Nite (One Night)”, and "Fucked In Love"

Be sure to go out and buy the album on Amazon now by clicking here or from iTunes!

1Nite (One Night) - Cobra Starship

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