The duo rolled up to The Supreme Team’s Friday Night Rox event together, where they drank Coconut Ciroc vodka all night, according to reports. Kardashian happily posed for pics with her arm slung around The Game’s shoulders and her hand placed on his chest. She also stole his pale blue snap-back baseball hat at one point, and wore it briefly around the club.
Despite the fact that The Game and Kardashian have been attached at the hip in recent weeks, partying at Tru nightclub and Pinz bowling alley together, the rapper insists that he’s not her rebound as she prepares to split from troubled Lamar Odom.
“Khloe is my friend,” he’s said. “She is like a sister. We have never [slept together] and will never be sleeping together.”In other Game news, looks like the newest member of Cash Money is L.A.’s, The Game. Birdman tweeted,
“Westcoast makit Official.RICHGANG.YMCMBusine$$.” Is this a good move for The Game’s career?or do you ask what career?
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