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The Big Bang Theory - Season 7, Episode 9 'The Thanksgiving Decoupling' [Recap + Review]

The latest episode of The Big Bang Theory really piled on the laughs; there was turkey, divorce and drunk Sheldon. What more could you ask for? One of the best episodes from the latest series, 'The Thanksgiving Decoupling' opened with Sheldon, Leonard and Raj trying to explain to Penny that it is physically impossible to tip a cow. After much deliberation, Penny eventually realised that she was just drunk and had fell over herself. In comes Howard who confirms this theory and then invites everyone to thanksgiving at his mother's house, to which Sheldon initially declines. 

However, everyone manages to persuade him and they all agree to go. Whilst everyone gets ready at Sheldon's flat, Sheldon moans to Amy about how he is being forced to go and the begins to compare his situation to that of an African slave, to which Amy is appalled. 

The attention is diverted from Sheldon when Penny reveals she once got 'married' in a Las Vegas wedding chapel, which she thought was fake, but it turns out it was in fact real. Leonard is angry and annoyed and the gang help Penny think up a reason to get it annulled, which turns out to be her lack of understanding of the situation. They arrive at Howard's mum's house, where Howard is trying to get along with Bernadette's dad, whilst simultaneously attending to his loud and obnoxious mother. 

However, the whole thing is absolutely hilarious as Howard makes many quips about his mother. Bernadette's dad sits down to watch the game and Howard begrudgingly joins him with Sheldon. In the kitchen, Raj, Bernadette and Amy prepare the food, but are ultimately distracted when Amy reveals that Penny married Zack. 

Bernadette also simultaneously stuffs her face with marshmallows. Leonard and Penny argue with each other about Penny's mistake, which leads Penny to invite Zack over to sign the papers straight away, so they can get it annulled as soon as possible. Raj, who is watching whilst Bernadette and Amy listen from the kitchen, makes the most ridiculous comment about the plot thickening like the gravy he is holding in his hands. Meanwhile, Sheldon and Bernadette's dad are actually bonding over their knowledge of football, as Sheldon's dad made Sheldon watch it when he was young, before he was allowed to do his homework. 

When Sheldon reveals his dad died when he was 14, Bernadette's dad comforts Sheldon and offers to have his first beer with him. This leads to some surprising bonding between Sheldon and Bernadette's dad, and the two get absolutely hammered. Howard retreats to the kitchen hoping to get some comfort from Bernadette, but as soon as the doorbell rings and Zack shows up, Bernadette, Amy and eventually Raj, jet out of the kitchen faster than a cheetah to go watch. 

Zack is initially weary to sign as he is concerned for the children (of which they have none), but Penny eventually bullies him into signing, after arguing with Leonard some more. Afterwards, Sheldon and Bernadette's dad are still drinking, and Sheldon remarks that he is having the best thanksgiving ever. Bernadette comes in with Howard and Amy, telling them to apologise for being mean to Howard. Sheldon apologises, and when Amy berates him he tells her that she is great and she appreciates it and blushes. He then smacks her on her ass and asks her to go get him some more beers, and she looks surprisingly happy at the fact that he touched her. The episode ends with everyone eating food around the table, whilst Sheldon goes upstairs to vomit all over the clowns in Howard's mum's bathroom. Also, Bernadette's dad tells Howard that he is not the worst son in law he could have, which is about as much of a compliment that he'll ever get. Huzzah! The next episode will be in 2 weeks time, and is called 'The Discovery Dissipation.' 

Reviewed by Mel. 

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