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San Mateo County History Museum's Millie Collection of Vintage Clothing - San Mateo Daily Journal

San Mateo County History Museum's Millie Collection of Vintage Clothing - San Mateo Daily Journal

San Mateo County History Museum's Millie Collection of Vintage Clothing - San Mateo Daily Journal

Posted: 14 May 2019 05:34 PM PDT

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Fashion Friday - Vintage clothing - wnky.com

Posted: 03 May 2019 12:00 AM PDT

In this week's Fashion Friday, WNKY's Candace Price takes us to Painted Lady Trading in Bowling Green for a look at vintage trends.

We Found The Internet's Best Vintage With The Help Of Thrifting Experts - Refinery29

Posted: 09 May 2019 09:55 AM PDT

"I have a list of probably 100 saved searches [on eBay]," says Christene, "both designers, like 'Phoebe Philo Celine,' and keywords that I look for, like 'French peasant blouse' or 'silk dress made in Italy.'" Plug whatever your heart desires into that search bar and see what comes up — half the fun is scrolling, anyway. "If I'm in the mood to look at a lot, I'll do a broad search — like, 'vintage deadstock,'" says Christene, "and I'll get thousands of entries." eBay fashion director Renee Paradise treats the search like the "save" feature on Instagram: "I use it as a place to note the things that are interesting to me when I see them." Get creative and play around with your queries by searching not only by designer, but by decade, material, color, or print, to find the most interesting things.

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