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Digit-al Dozen Does Tropical; Day 3

I didn't take many pictures of this mani so this post will be short and sweet (at least as far as pictures goes). I'm in a nail funk.  I want to do my nails but nothing seems to pan out.  Including this mani which is why I'm bringing it up now.  I hope the trend of nail fails ends; this was suppose to be a bright colourful neon blob mani but for the life of me, I could not get the polishes to blob colourful and it was just a mess; not even a hot neon mess as I could have used it!  Then I wanted to do yellow, green and blue gradient but the green wouldn't show up on the gradient and the blue didn't either for that matter and then I couldn't even get the thumb to gradient at all, it was as if I was taking more polish off the nail than putting it on it so I gave up on it and this is what is seen.  And don't get me started on my middle nail that has had two cracks in it and having to deal with them slowly growing out; I wrote a big long comment about this but deleted it because I'm sure no on wants to hear me whining about it lol.  So because I've always shared the good with the bad, and this is the bad as far as I'm concerned, I'm sharing this anyway. There aren't many pictures as when I was doing these nails, in my mind they were a fail that I wasn't going to share but took a few anyway just in case it panned out.  I suppose in the end it didn't turn out terribly bad (there could be a whole lot worse in life!) but again, not what I envisioned when I sat down to do my nails.  I've been trying to think outside of the box for the challenge too with more nontraditional looking mani's and maybe I'm just thinking about it too much, who knows!  Anyway, here's what I came up with for day 3!

 Started with a base of two coats of KBShimmer Chick Me Out, no top coat.

Attempted Did a sponged gradient using KBShimmer Chick Me Out, Essence LOL and Girly Bits I've Got High Hoops, topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using Delaney Hibiscus 001 using FunkyFingers Dark Knight.  

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Here's the other ladies Day 3 tropical mani's!

Thanks for looking...and for putting up with my rant!

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