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Pueen Cosmetics Theme Park Collection - Halloween Party 01 - Swatches & Review

I am sure I say this way to often but I honestly can't get over how quick this year is flying by.  It's so crazy.  I had a serious reminder that October is soon approaching when the new Pueen Cosmetics Halloween Party 01 plate arrived at my doorstep.  In fact, I have actually had a few Halloween things arrive for me to play with lately.  There is definitely some exciting things being released which I will begin sharing with you this week.  So let's kick off the Halloween celebrations with Pueen's Halloween Party 01 plate shall we?

Image from Pueen

This is definitely one of the most cutesy Halloween plates that I have seen and I really like it.  I can see me using this one a fair bit over the coming month.  The images are quite large (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) but they stamp really well.

The Halloween Party 01 Stamping Plate is available from Pueen Cosmetics.

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