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Sometimes my laptop computer is easy to work with.  Sometimes my laptop computer is difficult to work with.  At times, my laptop computer is slow, takes far too long for the screen to get loaded up or the screen would freeze in mid-motion for no decent reason.  I hope that the reason for my problems is a form of computer virus called adware---Bombarding my laptop computers with so much popup ads as to cripple my laptop computer from being able to accomplish much.  What actually gets done depends on how much popup ads the adware computer virus pulls towards my laptop computer---I hope.  I don't know much about computers and my theory is only just a theory.  But so far, it's a theory that makes the greatest possible sense---I hope.
And as I'm lost in thought while dealing with computer glitches, here are some photos of Katie Holmes.

 Manel Jadraque, the Managing Director for Desigual Corporation and Katie Holmes
 Katie Holmes


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