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We Civilised People..

Here's one thing I really don't like:-

People spoiling perfectly new, good, nice public amenities (eg. tables) with scribbles. Not just any scribbles. UGLY scribbles. Ugh!

If you can't draw, why do it? Practise on paper first la! sheesh..

I know I have been labeled as irresponsible on more occasions than I care to think of. But this is really stupid.

Okay, I know I'm a friggin hypocrite - especially those who knew me in high school - remember all those old wooden rotting desk they used to give us? The ones with wood peelings and faded scribblings that no one give a second glance - unless its something thats naughtily obscene. We're absolutely fascinated by that sort of thing, I've noticed.

Yeah, I admit I used to scribble on those - specially during history, accounting and science classes. I absolutely loathe analytical subjects (history just because i don't listen in class). Ugh.

And most of the time i prefer to scribble on my textbook anyways. You know, like drawing beards or moustache or moles on some unknown scientist or explorer dude (or something like that). Yeah. I was a lame kid..

What was my original topic again? Oh yeah..

Drawing UGLY scribbles on brand new, clean looking surfaces. Its not even words! Just ugly scribbles that looked faintly kindergarden - ish. And those ugly scibbles - doddles with some ugly pen ink colour no less - stand out like a sore thumb.

Wth right? Aren't we old enough to be civilised about this at least? I'm not picky about whats right lawfully. Its just that its so ugly! No talent also want to conteng. Spoil my eyes only ler. Hmph!

Fine. I know I'm being ridiculous here. And i have absolutely no idea why am I so annoyed by this..

I just am.

Gawd, I so need a life right now. wtf.

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