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Olivia Palermo : cuddling and tickling with the love of his life, before traveling to New York projection!

The American star of 27 years was released yesterday in the Big Apple along with the love of his life ...

Fashionista, Olivia Palermo is also a love blossomed! Indeed, the American starlet revealed in the series The Hills couple with model Johannes Huebl since 2008! 

And as you say they are inseparable and they love as the first day, and it shows! later 

Just yesterday (Monday, 15 July) the couple was also photographed in the streets of New York while both went to the film Girl Most Likely at the Landmark Sunshine Cinema. 

Hyper lookées as always, beautiful and her man are qu'attendrissants been more towards each other, cuddling and kissing while making his way to the event ...

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